Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lawatan ke Jerash....


In a remote, quiet valley among the mountains of Gilead lie the ruins of Jerash, at one time a city of the Decapolis, and the only one of that powerful league through whose streets and monuments we can wander and see them as they were in its heyday, untouched except by the hand of time.Greater cities, such as Gadara and Philadelphia, have vanished almost without trace, but the remoteness of Jerash has saved it from being used as a stone quarry for nearby towns and villages, and it is one of the mostcomplete examples of a provincial Roman city to be seen anywhere. The setting adds greatly to the charm of the place, lying as it does in a valley running rougly north and south and with a perennial stream running through the centre of it. The banks of the stream are covered in walnut and poplar trees, which look green and cool even in the heat of summer, when the surface of the surrounding hills is reduced to a harsh brown aridity. On the south the hills draw away on either side, and the village of Sweileh can be seen on the far skyline.

Sabtu, 6hb. Julai 2010 @ 1:00pm - kami pun bertolak dari Amman ke Jerash. Perjalanan mengambil masa lebih kurang satu setengah jam.
Tiket untuk memasuki kota Jerash ialah JD8 seorang. Kanak-kanak bawah 15 tahun percuma.

Menurut sejarah, pintu masuk ini dibina khas untuk menyambut Maharaja Rome ketika baginda melawat Jerash. Pintu masuk ke kota Jerash lebih kecil sedikit dan berada dipertengahan kota.

Didepan pintu masuk Gerash nie banyak gerai-gerai jual souvenir .. tapi biasa la mahal skit.

Bentuk asal kota Jerash dan kesan runtuhannya

kesan peninggalan kota Jerash dan Roman theater

Keunikan semua Roman theatre ialah sound systemnya .... jika kita berdiri ditengah-tengah theater, bila kita bercakap walau dengan nada suara yang biasa, ianya akan bergema dan dapat didengar keseluruh theatre. Hingga ke hari ini, system ini masih berfungsi dengan baik. Ketika kami berada disini, satu sesi rakaman filem sedang dijalankan oleh stesyen TV Arab.

"Roman Bath"...

Jalan menuju simpang empat pertama didunia... batu-batu jalan ini adalah batu asal dari zaman empayar Roman lagi.

Selepas ini kami akan melawat Makam Nabi Syuib a.s. Insyallah.....

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